编号:GDZPS11877 本书是粤雅小丛书第三辑的分册之一,本辑选取潮汕地区的非遗经典进行介绍。潮州工夫茶艺是流传于广东省潮汕地区的一种茶叶冲泡技艺,它始自宋代,至清代中期已蔚然成风,甚至流传到东南亚各地。2022年,我国单独申报的“中国传统制茶技艺及其相关俗”项目正式入选联合国教科文组织新一批人类非物质遗产代表作名录,潮州工夫茶艺是其重要组成部分。本书是介绍工夫茶的普及读本。全书通过前世今生、审美特征、礼俗风尚三大板块,对工夫茶的发展传承、特和价值作了基本介绍,展现其作为非物质遗产的价值与影响。 目录 foreword chapter ⅰ the past and present of chaozhou fu tea flourished in the ming and qing dynasties passed down through generations chapter ⅱ the art and beauty of chaozhou fu tea pursuit of elegance in the tea practice charm embodied in the tea ceremony chapter ⅲ the rituals and customs of chaozhou fu tea serving tea and the etiquette poems and songs inspired by the tea afterword acknowledgments